Chinese Literature, Spring 1953, Foreign Languages Press, Peking - Chairman Mao interest
Chinese Literature, Spring 1953. Issue No. 1. Featuring articles by Hu Chiao-mu, Mao Tun, Ting Ling & Malchinhu. With Plates by Ho Yi-Min & Teng Shu, Li Chun, Ku Yuan, Li Ko-Jan and Ku Yuan.
Published by Foreign Languages Press, Peking, 1953. The FLP was founded in 1952 and is owned and controlled by the Chinese Communist Party. The book features 5 plates in Cultural Revolution/Chairman Mao style, 3 in colour (including one fold-out) and 2 black and white/duotone images. An interesting and scarce publication.
A good paperback. Covers a little soiled and worn. Text is clean and soundly bound.
312pp + Plates. Text in English, with tipped in Contents slip also in Chinese.
Weight approximately 576g unpacked.
Dimensions: 252mm x 175mm x 24mm.