The Honourable Mr. Tawnish, A Romance, by Jeffery Farnol, Illustrated by C.E. Brock, 1913
The Honourable Mr. Tawnish; A Romance, by Jeffery Farnol, Illustrated by C.E. Brock.
Published by Sampson Low, Marston and Co., Ltd., London. Undated, but c 1913 (from dedication page). Second edition.
A good cream cloth hardback with elaborate gilt cover design incorporating mounted printed colour image. Cover with mild bumping. Just a little give in the spine creating a slight skew. Mild offsetting to free endpapers. Binding a little weak - some showthrough to webbing at gutter after contents page.
Text is bright and clear, but the book has scattered spotting throughout. The attractive colour plates are vibrant. Spotting to edge of text block. Gilt top edge.
Still an attractive volume, despite the spotting. Priced commensurate to condition.
Text in English.
Weight approximately 610g (unpacked).
Prelims + 118pp + Tissue guarded colour frontispiece + 7 additional colour plates (all as called for).
Approx Dimensions:
Approximately 217mm high x 180mm wide x 32mm deep.