The Kuzari: Liber Cosri Continens Colloquium trans. Johannes Buxtorfius, 1660 First edition.
The Kuzari כוזרי: Liber Cosri Continens Colloquium feu Disputationem de Religione by Johannes Buxtorfius, Fil. Serenissimo Principi Carolo Comiti Palatino; Reni, Duci Bavariae, Archipalatinatus et Dignatatis Electoralis Haredi.
The translated title in English would be Book of Refutation and Proof on Behalf of the Despised Religion.
Published by Georg I Deckeri, 1660, in Basileae (Basel, Switzerland). First edition.
This is a rare first edition of Johannes Buxtorfius The Younger's translation of this important Hebrew text into Latin. The book features both languages. The original Arabic text of Medieval Jewish Philosophy was written in 1139-40 AD (Hebrew Year 4900) by Judah Halevi.
The work seeks to underline the Jewish foundations of Abrahamic religions, writing: “It is better to leave everything and go back to Zion and there regain Divine favour, instead of wearing ourselves out winning the favour of gentiles which in any case we will never have.” This work is considered to have had a substantial impact on the development of Judaism.
A very good copy with its original full calf leather covers now professionally remounted with a new spine label. Leather bumped and worn. Bookplate of a Samuel Muir to rear pastedown. Book reads from the rear to front as per the Hebrew.
Text block is firmly bound to covers. The two title pages and following page have professional paper tear repairs. The first section carries hand page numbering to xlvi. Text is very good with only minor age wear and some scholarly annotations. Some age discoloration, as would be expected from a book of this age.
xlvi + 455pp + 32pp (primarily Index).
Dimensions: Approximately 210mm x 164mm x 44mm.
Weight approximately 845g unpacked.