Chats on Military Curios, by Stanley C. Johnson, 1915
Chats on Military Curios, by Stanley C. Johnson, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.E.S. With Eighty Illustrations.
Published by T. Fisher Unwin, Ltd., London. 1915 presumed First edition. There appear to be two variants of this 1915 printing - this being the more attractive of the two, with gilt decoration and guarded frontispiece.
A good red cloth hardback with blind embossed cover design with gilt decoration to front and spine. Some bumping and wear with a little give in the spine. The spine is sun faded. With guarded colour frontispiece printed with metallic ink.
Red top edge to text block - rough cut elsewhere. Text is clean and bright throughout, with some dust toning to edges. Some offset spotting to free endpapers.
Text in English.
342pp, including plates + 8pp Publisher's advertisements.
Weight: approximately 682g unpacked.
Approximately 208mm high x 148mm wide x 47mm deep.