Dictionnaire de la Fable, Victor Verger, Limoges, 1844
Dictionnaire de la Fable ou Mythologie Greque, Latine, Egyptienne, Celtique, Persane, Syrienne, Indienne, Chinoise, Japonaise, Arabe, Mahometane, Scandinave, Africaine, Americaine, etc. By Victor Verger. A pocket sized dictionary.
Published by Barbou Freres, Imprimeurs-Libraires, Limoges, 1844.
A good cloth hardback with bumping and wear to cloth at extremities. Soundly bound.
Text is legible and generally clean, but with scattered age spotting throughout, more so at early and late pages.
viii + 510pp.
Language: French.
Dimensions: Approximately 116mm high x 82mm wide x 25mm deep.
Unpacked weight approximately 156g.