Flachenverzierung in historischen Stilarten sowie in neuzeitlichem Geschmacke, Gustav Neuhoff
Flachenverzierung in historischen Stilarten sowie in neuzeitlichem Geschmacke. Motive fur Gewebe, Stickereien, Tapeten und dekorative Malerei. Entworfen und gezeichnet von Gustav Neuhoff. 30 Tafein. (Surface decoration in historical styles as well as in modern taste. Motifs for fabric, embroidery, wallpaper and decorative painting. Designed and drawn by Gustav Neuhoff. 30 fine plates). Features many designs, including in the art nouveau style.
Published by Bruno Hessling, Buchhandlung fur Architektur and Kunstgewerbe; Berlin, Paris, New York. Undated, but c. 1900.
A large folio - printed paper over boards with linen spine and corners, and cloth ties. Covers are soiled and worn and some splitting to linen, but still bound.
Inside are 30 Plates as called for, printed on a heavy paper stock. Some plates have creases and some tears and losses, but mainly to edges.
Good condition overall - a far from perfect set - not known whether there was a title page originally, but a very scarce set of interesting designs from the era.
Folio + 30pp (on 30 sheets, printed on one side).
Weight approximately 1340g unpacked.
Dimensions: Approximately 420mm high x 308mm wide x 18mm deep.