Underwood & Underwood Stereoscope Viewer with 18 cards, c. 1889-1906
Underwood & Underwood Stereoscope Viewer with 18 cards, c. 1905.
The viewer is made my Underwood & underwood in New York, and carries a patent date of 1901. It is in good condition with folding handle, sliding mechanism and original glass lenses, all working well.
The 3-D stereoscope cards are published by Underwood & Underwood, publishers; New York, London, Toronto-Canada, Ottawa - Kansas. Copyright dates from 1889-1906 on the images.
Cards in very good condition, and cover a range of subject matter as follows:
Egypt; Thebes x 1;
India; Taj Mahal, Vimala Sal temple x 2;
South Africa; Bridges/Boer War x 2;
Scotland x 3;
San Francisco earthquake x 1;
Boston x 2;
Japanese military x 3;
Mount Fuji x 1;
Victorian children x 3.
Each card approximately 88mm high x 178mm wide.
Approximate weight of set: 540g (includes cards and viewer, unpacked).