Supporting Thailand's Children

Chiang Mai Children's Fund was originally founded by Farang shop in Camden, London (farangshop.co.uk).
We wanted to give something back into the community with whom we do business.
The aim of the charity is to support the educational and physical development of poor village children in the north of Thailand.
All support work required for the charity is done on a 100% voluntary basis, meaning that you can be sure that your money is going directly to the children who need it, and not being spent on administration.
We originally based all our work around Tong Khay School in Chiang Mai, but have now expanded our efforts to include other establishments in the region.
Tong Khay provides a good example of why we should give what we can and what we can achieve...
In the outskirts of Chiang Mai, the largest city in the north of Thailand, lies Tong Khay School. Entering the school grounds provides an embrace of welcoming smiles and happy faces.
It’s a special place. There are currently 127 young students aged between 6 and 12 years old. Most are from poor backgrounds, with their families working in farming or construction – often back-breaking work for low pay.
Some children are not so fortunate. AIDS has not left this part of Thailand unscathed. Some of the children have lost their natural parents to the disease and now live with their extended families or friends. These social problems and financial pressures mean that these bright young children often don’t have the chance to fulfil their potential.
Far too often they have to end their education early and take their place at work at a very young age. Their teachers are dedicated and loving, but the school lacks the resources to give every child the chance that they deserve

finishing their primary school education and going on to receive their certificate for successfully completing high school, they have the chance of a much brighter future. They can progress to a university education or into a professional career where they can earn a good income and help to support their family.
Without even a High School certificate, many will find it impossible to follow their chosen career path. Education really is the key to their future.
At Tong Khay we have been able to provide children with small scholarships each year, lessening the financial burden on their families and allowing the children to continue with their education.
We have also been able to provide the under-funded school with additional resources such as educational materials, books, sports equipment and DVD equipment to enable government broadcast lessons to be recorded and shown to the children at another time.
Please have a look at the kind of work we do.
If you can help, please donate. You can make a one-off payment or a regular contribution through the donation button on the Chiang Mai Children's Fund website.