Aubrey Beardsley Selected drawings 1912, Russian Book. Обри Бердслей Избранные Рисунки 1912
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Aubrey Beardsley: Selected Drawings. Venus and Tannhäuser; Monographs and articles about Beardsley / Robert Ross, Arthur Simons; intro. Art. M. Likiardopulo. - M.: Scorpio, 1912.
Обри Бердслей : избранные рисунки. Венера и Тангейзер ; Монографии и статьи о Бердслее / Роберт Росс, Артур Симонс ; вступ. ст. М. Ликиардопуло. - М. : Скорпион, 1912
Published in Moscow, 1912. Text in Russian.
A fair paperback copy with frayed edges and losses to cover. Rear cover missing. Soiled and worn. Internally text pages are good, with some age toning, but substantially clean and bright. Owner's inscription to half title. Uncommon.
Prelims + 203pp.
Weight approximately 452g unpacked.
Dimensions: Approximately 235mm high x 187mm wide x 13mm deep.