Heilige Roemens-Lust van een Gelovigen in den Messias, Willem van Houte, Leyden, 1736
Heilige roemens-lust van een gelovigen in den Messias, als den eenigen koning zyner kerke; met eene afmaninge van het vertrouwen op eenig schepsel. Betoogt en toegepast, in een verklaring van psalm CXLVI. Door Willem van Houte.
(Holy glory of a believer in the Messiah, as the only king of his church; with a warning against trusting any creature. Argued and applied, in a statement of Psalm CXLVI. By Willem van Houte.)
Te Leyden by Johannes Hasebroek en Adrianus Bonte, Boekverkopers, 1736, (Leiden, Netherlands). Presumed first edition. Scarce. Worldcat identifies only 3 library copies, 2 in the Netherlands and one in the USA.
A good hardback with later binding with marbled paper over boards and cloth spine and corners. Worn and bumped. First pastedown with owner's inscriptions in ink. Inner joints are ragged and unrefined.
Title page is a bit worn with some losses at the lower joint. At the rear there is a similar coming away from the joint with another page. The text block is otherwise bright and clean.
24pp Title & Introductory section + 665pp + 13pp Contents.
Language: Dutch.
Dimensions: approximately 160mm high x 103mm wide x 47mm deep.
Unpacked weight approximately 420g.