Old Burmese Nat, Lady Buffalo - Pegu Me Daw
Burmese Nat, Lady Buffalo - Pegu Me Daw
Also known as Ka Rei Med Daw, Bago Medaw - the Buffalo Mother or Lady Buffalo.
Depicted as a maiden wearing a water buffalo skull, representing a female buffalo named Nankaraing, the nursed the traditional founders of Hanthawadi (now Bago), the brothers Thamala and Wimala. She is believed to be a Goddess of the Mon people, representing the Mon cultural identity and the history of Bago.
She is a Nat, from pre-Buddhist animist beliefs of Burmese people. These are a group of supernatural beings, or nature spirits, of which there is special group of 37 ‘royal’ Nats.
Nat worship sill occurs in Burmese society alongside Buddhism which is the prevalent religion. It is much more common in rural areas.
Gilded Lacquer on teakwood, figurine with a separate modern black base (included). Buffalo headdress and with outstretched hands and long flowing black hair make this a particularly attractive piece.
31cm high x 12cm deep x 11cm wide (excl base)
circa 1920-1950