Theology Bundle: St Paul books collection, Set 2
Theology Bundle: Synoptic Gospels; The Synoptic Problem book collection.
We have recently acquired a collection of books on theology and religion. Some will will be listing as individual titles, but others we will be bundling into sets which will offer very good value for money.
Condition of the books generally ranges from good to very good, but there will be exceptions. Please expect some titles to be ex-library, have owner's signatures, studious annotations, or minor damages, but the books will be in a very usable condition.
Titles included in this particular bundle are listed below. If you require specific detailed information on any particular title please just let us know.
Set comprises;
Paul and the Salvation of Mankind, Johannes Munck, John Knox Press, Richmond, Virginia, 1959, 1st English edition - 3rd printing.
Paul's Use of the Old Testament, E. Earle Ellis, Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh and London, 1957, 1st edition.
Paul; Paulus; Gunther Bornkamm, translated by D.M.G. Stalker, Harper & row, New York and Evanston, 1971, 1st American edition.
Paul and Palestinian Judaism; A Comparison of Patterns of Religion, Fortress Press, Philadelphia, 1977, 1st American edition.
Paul the Apostle; The Triumph of God in Life and Thought, J. Christiaan Beker, T & T Clark, Edinburgh, 1980 1st edition.
The Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans, E.H. Gifford, John Murray, London, 1886, Reprinted from the "Speaker's commentary". 1st edition thus. Spine is missing.
Studies in Paul's Technique and Theology, Anthony Tyrrell Hanson, SPCK, London, 1974, 1st edition.
The Sayings of Jesus in the Churches of Paul; The Use of the Synoptic Tradition in the Regulation of Early Church Life, David L. Dungan, Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1971, 1st edition.
New Testament Library: Perspectives on Paul, Ernst Kasemann, SCM Press, London, 1971, 1st English edition.
St Paul and the Church of the Gentiles, Wilfred L. Knox, Cambridge at the University Press, 1939, 1st edition.
Text in English.
Weight: Approximately 6.1kg (the set - unpacked).
Books will generally have to be sent by courier delivery due to weight.